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Keeping EU moving!

Road mobility is essential in the European Union for individuals, companies and public authorities alike. It empowers them in their daily life, in their business, in their mission.

It comes however at a high financial, environmental and societal cost. Transport is one of the most important expenditures for households, after housing and food. Road vehicles account for more than 70% of greenhouse gas from transport, and over 20.000 premature deaths in crashes.

We can and we must do better. The proper servicing of vehicles is key to maintain their safety and their environmental performance in optimal conditions over their lifetime. Yet, the repair and maintenance of vehicles is becoming less and less affordable and even possible because of undue restrictions imposed by powerful market players. It severely limits innovation, competition and competitiveness in the automotive aftermarket.

With the new European Parliament and European Commission in place, and in a fast-evolving environment, there is a unique opportunity and momentum to significantly improve the situation. Targeted regulatory measures could untap the potential of the European automotive aftermarket ecosystem, currently the worldwide leader with its 500.000 companies -many of them SMEs- and its 4.000.000 workers.

We invite you to learn more on this issue and to discuss potential regulatory remedies with a panel of policy makers, business leaders and automotive experts.


  • Welcome Speech: New European Parliament & European Commission: the right time to act – Michael Pedersen, ADPA/Hella Gutmann Solutions;
  • Presentation: The impact of the affordability of repair and maintenance on the safety and sustainability of road mobility – Matthew Wright, ADPA/ALLDATA;
  • Panel: Safety, sustainability and affordability: how they are linked, and how to improve them – Eduard Fernandez, CITA; Frank Schlehuber, CLEPA/FAAS; Nicolas Jeanmart, InsuranceEurope;
  • Conclusion: European Commission’s way forward – Mark Nicklas, European Commission.

The conference will take place on Tuesday, the 10th of December, from 18:00 in the Press Club (Rue Froissart 95), and will be followed by a walking dinner. Seats are limited.

Keeping EU moving!

Tuesday 10 December 2024 from 18:00 Press Club, Rue Froissart 95, Brussels



10 December 2024


Press Club Rue Froissart 95 1040 Brussels Belgium